Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Worless Wednesday-Rain and Soccer=warm car

I have never seen green birds before,
they came in in a group and left in a group
weird and wild 
anyone know what they are?


Kellie said...

Ava is so adorable! I would have stayed in the car too!

The green birds look like Quaker Parrots. You can read about them here...

Thanks for your sweet comments on our blog. I am trying to stay motivated to keep it up. I swear, middle school is gonna be the end of me though. ;-)

Jeanette said...

They look like they just escaped from the nearest zoo!

Ava has such a sweet smile!

Our Russian Adopted Princess said...

Kellie, you are correct, since I live in Illinois and on the website it is listed this is what they were. It was really weird, I had never seen such a thing before. Surely, I thought they couldn't be parrots, it was way too cold and too windy, but according to the website they have adapted to our weather. Wow, it just goes to show you, that you can learn something new everyday!