Austin had his homecoming this weekend. This is/was his first dance that he wanted to attend. He asked a girl that goes to the "sister" school of his, since Austin attends an all boys Military School. On Saturday, the boys had to march in full "Class A" uniforms, and it was very HOT here. Weird weather for October, but it got to 89 degrees and the boys were in wool. The game and the halftime activities went fine, drove them home and Austin got ready for the dance. On our way to take pictures at the girls house, an older lady who was in the right lane, decided to turn left, but didn't see me, so we had an accident. It all happened very fast, and I was very glad that Ava was not in the car, no one was injured. The police came, but it took a very long time, so the girls parents came and picked up Austin and took them to the dinner and then on to homecoming dance.
Tom was just telling me on Friday, that I have had a lot of "almosts" with accidents. I guess my likely hood of having accidents is increasing because of the amount of time spent in the car driving.
The police wrote the lady up for a ticket citing: illegal left turn! Ummmm yep, I'd say so!
I think they look nice!
Sally, your kids are all super cute! Sorry to hear about your accident; glad you're okay.
I am so glad no one was hurt in your accident!
Austin looked very handsome for his date.
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