Monday, August 8, 2011

Midevil Times Fun

Tom wanted to take the kiddos to Midevil Times Castle and watch the show.  We had been there before when the boys were younger.  We also took my parents and Toms mom along for the fun.

The family before we left:

our blue table 

Ava loved it

she kept her arm around Tom
when she didn't have her arm around Tom
she waved her flag
She will be a good cheerleader
she would yell, Go Blue 

watching and taking it all in yelling
horsey, Go Blue

I didn't know if a girl would like this show, but it is fun and very entertaining.


Barb said...

Hi Sally! Just catching up on your posts . . . Looks like you guys have had a busy, fun summer!!

Anonymous said...

i love that place! it looks like y'all had a blast. i can't wait to be in a location that has one of those so we can take nick.