Friday, December 9, 2011

All I really want for Christmas

I saw this on another adoptive blog here , It really tug at my heart strings so I thought I would share it with you all...

All I really want for Christmas

God is good ALL the time....

Lets remember the reason of the season, we can not possibly give a better gift then the one that God has already given us...


Melissa said...

Ava is so beautiful! I just love all the stockings on the fireplace! Can't wait to fill up my mantle with that many stockings! Merry Christmas!

Jeanette said...

Beautiful video!

Carrie said...

This video is actually several years old. I can't believe this Christmas was the first time I had seen it. I wish I could adopt more sweet children!!

Wendi and Terry said...

Oh my heavens, I need some Kleenex after watching that video!!

Amy...who wanted 4. said...

Love. <3