Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Sox Game

Austins LaCrosse team was hosting a fundraiser, and one of the items for purchase were 2 tickets to the crosstown classic game of White Sox and Cubs.  I called Tom and asked him if I should bid on them, he said sure.

So we went.  The weather was great.

self picture taking (its hard to do)

The seats were terrible.....

self picture

and the Sox lost.  But they did take 2 out of the 3 games.  Go Sox!

but the evening was great.  Just Tom and I and a nice night together.  The city looked beautiful.

just for some cuteness of Ava Grace

Ava loves to swing,
this swing set is no longer at our park
they took it down to make improvements.
Sure hope they put the baby swing back in.

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